Round Terracotta Fiberglass Pot

Fiberglass planters are created from a blend of resin and glass fibers. These pots tend to be molded to look like terracotta or stone pots. Fiberglass planters are lightweight, durable, and look very much like the materials they are molded to imitate.

Sets of 3 - Dimension:

  1. L: 47cm V: 47cm H: 75cm
  2. L: 38cm V: 38cm H: 60cm
  3. L: 31cm V: 31cm H: 48cm

Packing: sets/pallet - Packing size: L: 95cm V: 95cm H: 175cm, quantity: 8 sets/pallet

Loadability/40': 192 PC/Sets

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The set of pots is made of fiberglass material, a terracotta, round shape. Pots are made in Vietnam but it has been exported to many countries around the world because of high quality. Composite - fiberglass pots, this type of basin is made of a mixture of polyester and fiberglass fiberglass, without mixing stone powder and other additives. So, pots will have high adhesion, durability, extremely light. After finishing the product then the pot will have a glossy surface, smooth, more paint for beautiful color and more durable. This is a premium pot that you should use.

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